Nothing Says Love Like… VITAMINS!
When I got home last night, I got told that my mom had sent me a box. After chopping through the half roll of duct tape she sealed the box with, here's what I found inside:
Clearly, this is what I get for calling her when I was in the middle of dealing with a bad cold.
This is not the strangest box I've ever gotten from her. When I was in college, she decided to mail me a package of frozen meals (and some other things). For some reason, she assumed that I was way more responsible than I really was. She sent it on a Thursday going into the 3 day Labor Day weekend. I never got to the apartment complex office (where the mail was) that Friday, so it was Tuesday before I got to the package. I learned pretty quickly why there was something leaking out of the box.
Mom, thanks for all the books, toys, CDs, and vitamins you've sent me ever since I left home. I love you!