It’s that time of year again for some some spooky, family-friendly fun! Sam’s Club at the Marketplace is more than just a big box store and that’s because of the folks that work there.

They are deeply committed to the community, and we at 92 Moose and B98.5 absolutely love working with them. Every year, for our annual food drive Camp Out Hunger, Sam's Club hosts us as we camp out in their parking lot, broadcasting live all week long while collecting non-perishables and cash donations to support Central Maine's hungry population.

Sam’s Club is always doing amazing things for the community, especially during the holidays. On October 19th from 12:00 PM to 2:30 PM they will host their exciting 3rd Annual Trunk or Treat event! Rain date is the next day, October 20th.

Located at the Marketplace in Augusta, this event is completely free and offers a safe space for kids and families to celebrate Halloween.

Sams Club via Facebook
Sams Club via Facebook

Along with the spooky fun atmosphere, there will be free food and drinks for everyone to enjoy! Make sure to be dressed in your best costume!

The only thing missing is a few extra helping hands! They have about 30 volunteers as of right now, but they are calling for more to step up and make this Halloween celebration even more memorable.

Whether you want to decorate your car or help with organizing the event, your participation can add an extra dash of magic to the day.

If you’re available on the 19th, this is a great way to spread joy in the community and give the kids an afternoon to remember!

Call Sam to help make this Trunk or Treat a spooktacular success at 207-623-2757

For more information or to volunteer, contact the team at Sam’s Club Augusta. Don’t miss out on this chance to celebrate the spooky season while giving back!

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Gallery Credit: Sarah Sullivan

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