Snuggle a Baby Goat April 6th in Richmond, Maine
At this point, it doesn't really matter if you already had plans for the weekend of April 6th, because you need to cancel them. You read the headline correctly! It's an open farm and kid snuggle happening at Rock Bottom Farm!
Here is an excerpt from their Facebook Event Page-
"Join us on April 6 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. for an afternoon of goat snuggles! (It isn’t just the kids who enjoying snuggles!).
We will have fresh eggs available, and if the weather cooperates, we may have a limited supply of fresh maple syrup.
When you arrive, we ask that you park on the same side of Brunswick Road as our driveway, making sure you are far enough over to not block traffic.
This is a free event, but we will be accepting donations, which are used to provide food and veterinary care for moms and new kids! "
And, just like the picture you see on this post, their page is FULL of the most adorable high quality pictures of furry friends! We'll see you at the goat snuggle!
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