There are some locally famous sweater-wearing goats that have caught my attention and if you want to meet them, here's your chance! Iron Leaf Farms 3rd Annual, "Opening Farm Day" is coming up and the animals are waiting to cuddle!
At this point, it doesn't really matter if you already had plans for the weekend of April 6th, because you need to cancel them. You read the headline correctly! It's an open farm and kid snuggle happening at Rock Bottom Farm!
Do you have overgrown vegetation in your backyard? The best way to tackle these challenging landscaping situations isn't diving in with your a scythe and hedge trimmers.
I love cheese! I love it all from Swiss to American, from cheddar to pepper jack. Circle this Sunday, October 9th, that is the day for Open Creamery Day in Maine. There will be events statewide from 10 until 3.