There are countless times throughout the week where I read something and mutter under my breath "this can't be true", though it turns out it usually is.
Have you ever seen anything as cute and edible as a dog wearing Big Mac jacket? This new line of Big Mac clothing and swag has Jonny James written all over it!
As I came home from my Waterville sleep study this morning, I swung into the Winslow McDonald's to grab breakfast...a Sausage McMuffin and a large McCafe coffee. I didn't think much of it as I enjoyed the food and beverage on the way home (not that I eat in the car).
Ya know, I thought I'd never taste a sandwich that, in my mind and to my taste buds, came close to the perfection of a Big Mac. Well, lo and behold, McDonald's may have just introduced one that surpasses the Mac. It's the "Bacon Clubhouse Burger."