
Celebrity Birthdays For January 17th (There Are Many)
Celebrity Birthdays For January 17th (There Are Many)
Celebrity Birthdays For January 17th (There Are Many)
What a day for celebrity birthdays! January 17th Kid Rock turns 43, Susannah Hoffs of the Bangles also celebrates, Paul Young, Steve Earl and those are just the recording artists. Also on the birthday list, Betty White who turns 92, Jim Carrey, Steve Caruso from ‘CSI Miami’, Maury “You are the father” Povich, the voice of Darth Vader, James Earl Jones and one of my favorite actresses, Zooey Descha
Celebrities Who Served the USA
Celebrities Who Served the USA
Celebrities Who Served the USA
Being Veteran’s Day I thought I’d give you a list of Hollywood types who served. Many know Drew Carey from ‘The Price is Right’ was an enlisted Marine. Did you know Ice-T the rapper and actor on Law & Order SVU was in the Army? If you read on, I’ll tell you who aside from Robin Williams said, “Good Morning, Vietnam!”
Celebrities in Drag
Celebrities in Drag
Celebrities in Drag
There are few things we love more than drag queens, but when there's no 'RuPaul's Drag Race' marathon on, we'll take celebs cross-dressing any day. Even if some of them really should stay in their assigned genders. Not everyone can pull off both sexes, much less one, but some can unfairly cross the line between male and female with ease.