A heads up for drivers who use I-295 in the Richmond area. It will be closed from Sunday until Wednesday morning as the Department of Transportation (DOT) will be out doing necessary repairs.
As was reading about the plans moving forward for a round-a-bout on Rt. 126 in West Gardiner with the off ramp of the Turnpike and the entrance of the service plaza, I learned Maine has 25 round-a-bouts and rotaries. Or as I like to call them 'Circles of Death'.
My friend, Tina Charest, lost $500 last weekend when a woman, who identified herself as being from Central Maine Power, called and told her she had to pay $500 or her power was going to be shut off. When you're operating a bar that sees it's biggest nights on weekends, you're going to be hard pressed to call the person's bluff, especially when they're as convincing as this woman apparently was...
As I was driving to the China Dine-ah for trivia tonight, I got a call from out general sales manager, Julie Beaulieu. "Hey Jonny, did you see the sign by the fire station on route 32 (in South China)?" I had not. She continued, "the sign is warning about a oversize load that MAY be coming down the road on or about May 8th." She laughed, both amused and incredulous. She told me