Maine Wildlife

Only in Maine: Bird's Nest Catches Fire, Knocks Out Power
Only in Maine: Bird's Nest Catches Fire, Knocks Out Power
Only in Maine: Bird's Nest Catches Fire, Knocks Out Power
Every couple of weeks we seem to end up with a news story that perfectly fits the 'only in Maine' category. This particular story seems to be another good fit for our growing list. And the best part? It doesn't appear that there was any harm done to birds or humans...
Take Your Kids on a Virtual Field Trip to Maine Wildlife Park
Take Your Kids on a Virtual Field Trip to Maine Wildlife Park
Take Your Kids on a Virtual Field Trip to Maine Wildlife Park
According to their website, the Maine Wildlife Park in Gray has a creative new solution to keeps kids entertained and educated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Each year, thousands of Maine students from all around the state board giant yellow buses and head south (some go north) to Gray for an epic day of animal adventure with their fellow classmates and teachers...