I am training for the Miles for Mills 5k and I am trying anything to help strengthen my physical bod. My best friend suggested I use a waist trainer and this is how it went.
While I don't agree with everything Chris Rock says, I still laugh because he is funny! That's comedy. You don't have to agree to laugh. That's what bothers me about people who go politically ballistic whenever something is said or posted for obvious humor. Hey...roll with it. Take it for what it is!
The 'Simpsons' has been on for well over 20 years. It debuted in 1989. Starting on August 21 and running through September 1, going around the clock all 552 episodes will air on FXX leading up to their 26th season and the ‘Simpson’s World’ app launch.
I went to school with Nancy (Capen) Feeney. She's about to run her second marathon. I'll probably walk to the end of my driveway to get the mail today. So, you could say, we're a lot alike, Nancy and me. :-)
One of two suspects in the shooting of a Massachusetts Institute of Technology police officer has died and a massive manhunt is underway for another, who is believed to be tied to the Boston Marathon bombing.
Now that the news of today’s tragedy in Boston is starting to sink in it’s apparent that it was a bomb of some sort. As I write this two people are confirmed dead and dozens are injured. It was a cowardly senseless act. For updates today you can visit our website for information.
Today is “Terry Fox Day.” Who is Terry Fox? I’ll tell you. When I was growing up in Canada there was an athlete, more importantly an 18 year old with a goal. In 1980, Fox set out to raise a million dollars by running across Canada from east to west. At the time he thought he had beaten cancer but in the end it took him.