My Five Month Old Baby Ate Some of Our Christmas TreeMy Five Month Old Baby Ate Some of Our Christmas TreeI know that what you're probably thinking is that I'm the world's worst dad. I mean, how do you let your infant eat pieces of your Christmas tree?Matt JamesMatt James
This is Why it's Matt's Fault That He's Always TiredThis is Why it's Matt's Fault That He's Always TiredI'm not kidding when I tell you that even as I write this article at 5 AM on Tuesday morning under the bright lights of my office in Augusta, I could fall asleep right hereMatt JamesMatt James
Gavin Started Walking on Valentine's Day!Gavin Started Walking on Valentine's Day!You read that correctly. Our just-turned-one-year-old decided to give us the gift of chasing him everywhere for Valentine's Day.Matt JamesMatt James