Inflation is showing signs of softening, but regardless, there's no question that trips to the grocery store, filling up the tank, and monthly bills are not draining the bank accounts of hard-working Mainers right now. Even applying a few of these tips will likely soften the blow.
Nearly five thousand RI vehicles are registered in Maine despite not having residency here. Many at this one plot of land in Jefferson. How is this possible?
It’s official. We’ve crossed over as a family. We’re in the market for a minivan. As family of five, when we go anywhere as a whole family we need every seat in the car.
Do you drink soda? If your answer is no, you’re not alone. U.S. soda sales are down. In 2013 sales of carbonated beverages fell by about 3%. There were more modest declines in 2011 and 2012 as well.
Here is another reason to keep the house for awhile if you bought during the lull in the past five years. Realtors say 2013 was a very "up year."