
Maine: The Worst State for Teachers in 2024?
Maine: The Worst State for Teachers in 2024?
Maine: The Worst State for Teachers in 2024?
Teaching is one of those careers that should come with a huge “thank you” card every day, considering how essential teachers are in shaping the future of our kids. Sadly, many educators are underpaid and overworked, especially here in Maine, which WalletHub just named the worst state for teachers in 2024.
Teacher Who Showed ‘The ABCs of Death’ to Her Students Sent to Jail
Teacher Who Showed ‘The ABCs of Death’ to Her Students Sent to Jail
Teacher Who Showed ‘The ABCs of Death’ to Her Students Sent to Jail
The internet will never stop arguing about when it is okay to show films with explicit content to children. But, there is one thing that we’re pretty sure everyone can agree on: showing the violent and disturbing The ABCs of Death to five classes of unsuspecting students is an act of irresponsible idiocy on just about every conceivable level. Columbus, Ohio substitute teacher Sheila Kearns was rightfully let go from her job back in 2013 when she screened the film for her substitute Spanish classes, but the courts have handed down an additional punishment: 90 days in jail.
A Substitute Teacher in Pittsfield is Fired For Calling Students Stupid by Using the “R” Word
A Substitute Teacher in Pittsfield is Fired For Calling Students Stupid by Using the “R” Word
A Substitute Teacher in Pittsfield is Fired For Calling Students Stupid by Using the “R” Word
There are certain words in our language we shouldn’t really use even though they technically aren’t swear words. When I say swearing I’m referring to the seven words George Carlin talked about in his classic routine. Even if used in context it’s a touchy subject. The word of focus today we’ll refer to as the “R” word.
Representative Corey Wilson Talks with The Moose Morning Show About Social Media Privacy Bill [Audio]
Representative Corey Wilson Talks with The Moose Morning Show About Social Media Privacy Bill [Audio]
Representative Corey Wilson Talks with The Moose Morning Show About Social Media Privacy Bill [Audio]
There's currently a bill in the state legislature that would make it illegal for a superior, at work or school, to require you to divulge your personal social media password. The law simply implies that it's private property and it's YOUR decision whether or not you give it away without fear of reprisal.

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