Whether you're celebrating the holiday locally or traveling outside the region, here are some questions and remarks you should avoid making when seated with a New Englander at the Thanksgiving table.
If you've ever been the one responsible for cooking your family's Thanksgiving dinner, you've probably been at least a little concerned about the potential for screwing up the turkey. It is the most important part of the meal, after all. Admit it, you've had visions of the Christmas dinner scene from "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" pop in your head at least once or twice...
If you noticed some insane gridlock traffic in Augusta yesterday, you certainly weren't alone. Traffic was at a standstill down Mt Vernon Ave, Townsend Ave, Civic Center Drive, Anthony Ave and even the interstate off ramps at exit 112. But, it wasn't because of a traffic accident or anything like that- no, it was all for a wonderful cause...