According to the Kennebec Journal, Waterville Police Chief Joseph Massey shares an idea to install security cameras along the RiverWalk at Head of Falls in Waterville.
This is happening because of the reported increase of vandalism and criminal behavior along the RiverWalk. Because ...
A Circle K convenience store in Globe, Arizona had to shut down for a while after getting over $30,000 in damage. How? Well, 2 employees received, what turned out to be a prank call, and they followed directions and began to destroy the store...
Vandalism has hit Monmouth. According to the Monmouth Police Department, the town was the victim of a second vandalism incident that occurred at the center town beach. Vandals tipped over the port-a-potties and broke off a newly installed hand rail for handicapped access to the lake.
City officials in Waterville are concerned about the increasing violence and vandalism in the Elm City. Officials are speaking out against the late-night downtown vandalism and violence that has happened recently.