
Things We Want: Zombie Apocalypse Sheets
Things We Want: Zombie Apocalypse Sheets
Things We Want: Zombie Apocalypse Sheets
One of the million reasons to love Fridays is that they are often paydays. and on paydays, we want to buy something awesome for ourselves. Something awesomely gross is even better. And no, we don't mean a  Bacon Sundae, though now that you mention it...
More Organizations are Getting Ready for a ‘Zombie Apocalypse’
More Organizations are Getting Ready for a ‘Zombie Apocalypse’
More Organizations are Getting Ready for a ‘Zombie Apocalypse’
They keep saying it’s a "tongue-in-cheek” comment about emergency training. They say preparing for zombies is an engaging way to train for other emergencies. They keep saying that talking about zombies is a way to get citizens to think about emergency planning. They keep saying zombies are not for real, but yet the term 'zombie apocalypse' is so common, that several branches of government hav