Attention to all Maine schools! Lizzy here, from Matt & Lizzy in The Morning on 92 Moose and we need your help to feed Maine!

Are you a local Maine school that is totally ready to make a massive impact in your community? Camp Out Hunger, the largest food drive in central Maine, is returning, and we’re inviting your school to be a part of this incredible initiative.

Each year, Camp Out Hunger brings together thousands of people to help end hunger in our state, and this year, we’re looking to make it even bigger!

With schools like Gilbert School already hosting a food drive and Gardiner Regional Middle School collecting for us, the momentum is building! But because the need is even larger this year, we need your help to reach more families.

Here's an example of how Gilbert is helping below


Meagan Cyr Mattice
Meagan Cyr Mattice

Read More: Annual Camp Out Hunger Food Drive Returns to Central Maine!

Being a part of Camp Out Hunger is a beautiful way for students to learn about the hunger plaguing our state and to get involved. They get to give back and work together to support their community. Too many kids in are Maine schools are already hungry and it shouldn't be a problem at all. But sadly, it is.

Your school can make a difference by organizing food drives, raising awareness, and joining forces with us to combat hunger in Maine. Camp Out 2024 is November 4-8 at the Sam's Club Parking Lot at the Marketplace at Augusta. We, the DJs, camp in that parking lot all week long, broadcasting live asking you to bring whatever nonperishables/cash you can to help us fill our 53 foot long truck.

Ready to get started?

Reach out to Lizzy Snyder via 92 Moose Facebook Messenger or if you are ready to collect here!

Let’s come together to support our neighbors and create a stronger, hunger-free Maine babes!

My Letter To All Of The Parents Who Came To Camp Out Hunger

The kids have been very present here donating at Camp Out Hunger. It's times like these where I am so proud of them and most importantly their parents, so I wrote you all a letter. 

Gallery Credit: Lizzy Snyder

Maine Towns That Would Be Terrible Names For Kids

Maine is home to a lot of wonderful and uniquely named towns but not all of them would make great names for your kids. Here's a list of some that would be very bad choices for your child.

Gallery Credit: Joey


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