When Did School Starting Before Labor Day Come to Be?
Today is the first day of school for most. When did starting before Labor Day become a thing? I’ve asked many people my own age and many younger than me whether they started school in August as a kid, they all replied no. So there is no historical reason for it here, meaning it’s not a “Maine thing.” I have heard that the school year is adjusted in some school districts for potato picking but that’s only in Aroostook County.
Is it to make room for more teacher workshops through the year? There is no allocation for snow days that I’m aware of today so why start before the holiday weekend. Kids go to school for three days and then are off again for three.
As a kid, we always started the day after or even a couple of days after Labor Day. We did get a little more time off at Christmas than kids today get, but we only got one week off between Christmas and the end of the school year and that was in March.
No big deal really, but just curious as to why school starts in what is to me still seems to be summer.