Where Does the U.S.A. Rank in the World’s Most Powerful Passports?
I only recently acquired a passport as until about 5 years ago you could travel between the U.S. and Canada with just using your license but things have since changed. I found a list of the world's most and least powerful passports. Guess where the U.S. ranks?
The information in the list is based on 193 United Nations member countries and six territories. This information also includes visa data from the International Air Transport Association and other sources, according to Arton.
The most powerful passport in the world is, yes, the American passport. OK, it's atop list with U.K. passports.
The U.S. passport allows entry into 147 countries without a visa or by getting one upon arrival.
Here is the list of countries with the most powerful passports.
#1. USA/UK (147 countries)
#2. France, South Korea, Germany (145 countries)
#3 Sweden, Italy (144 Countries)
#4 Denmark, Singapore, Finland, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands (143 countries)
#5 Switzerland (142 countries)
Now the list of countries with the least powerful passports
Congo (Dem. Rep.), Yemen, Central African Republic, Kosovo (41 countries)
Equatorial Guinea, Bhutan, Comoros, Burundi (40 countries)
Somalia, Eritrea (39 countries)
Afghanistan, Djibouti, Iraq, Ethiopia, Nepal (38 countries)
South Sudan, Solomon Islands, Palestinian Territories, Sao Tome and Principe, Myanmar (28 countries)