Who is Katy Perry Dating? Riff Raff – Who is He? Info Enclosed
I feel sort of embarrassed admitting this as I work in radio and not knowing an artist with TV face-time. Last night like many I was watching the MTV Video Music Awards. Of course with my eyes on Katy Perry, as she is my “pop crush” but I couldn’t figure who she was with. Who was the guy sitting on her right and our left?
I have the answer, his stage name is Riff Raff and he is dating Katy Perry. He’s a rapper from Houston, TX, born in 1982 and is having some success in the rap genre. Maybe he’ll break onto the Top 40 scene soon.
Riff Raff has had a few incidents involving the law but nothing worse than any other celebrity, loves the Simpsons and quite inked, on his skin NBA and MTV logos as well as a Gothic cross and other tattoos.
His latest CD, entitled ‘Neon Icon’ was released in late June and is getting a bit of attention on the R&B and rap charts.
So in case you wanted to know who Katy Perry is dating there is the information. Do with it what you will.
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