Maine House Passes A Bill Requiring GMO Labeling In Foods
Maine House Passes A Bill Requiring GMO Labeling In Foods
Maine House Passes A Bill Requiring GMO Labeling In Foods
I’m always a little hesitant when writing about newsy things I don’t really know a lot about. I did see that the Maine House voted 141-4 on a bill that would require food manufacturers to disclose whether the food has genetically modified organisms or GMOs for short. I don’t really know a lot about these food experiments. I knew experiments were going on in labs and that Monsanto is the king of mo
What Do You Know About GMOs?
What Do You Know About GMOs?
What Do You Know About GMOs?
GMO. It stands for genetically modified organisms. These are used to help genetically modify foods. DNA is added to the plants original DNA to add certain attributes. For example, it can make plants resistant to certain diseases or a longer shelf life. A hearing at the Maine state house had over 100 people come out to speak out for and against the bill to make it mandatory food retailers to label