November 8, 2016 is Election Day in Maine and Mainers will be voting on five citizen initiative questions and one bond question. We've been feature these questions right here and today we take a closer look at ballot question 3.


This question could be getting the most attention and money spent during this campaign.

Here's how the question reads: 'Do you want to require background checks prior to the sale or transfer of firearms between individuals not licensed as firearms dealers, with failure to do so punishable by law, and with some exceptions for family members, hunting, self-defense, lawful competitions, and shooting range activity?'

Those in favor of Question 3 argue that the law will close the gun show loophole for background checks.

Those opposed to Question 3 argue that the proposed law would create criminals due to the transfer exemptions in the ballot question. This bill also would make it impossible for young adults, 18 to 20 years old, to buy a handgun.

What do you think?

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