In Maine, winter can be, well, wintery. And with that, it makes it pretty difficult to come up with creative ways to keep our kiddo's active and engages in activities that don't begin and end with a loading circle on a screen.

Am I right?

With the first storms already hitting us and winter in full swing, it's pretty clear that playing outside is losing it's excitement, especially with the frigid temps recently.

Read More: First Ever Escape Room Coming to Augusta, Maine

Most of our kiddos have an attention span of a goldfish on a sugar high, so we all need to get a little creative.

So, what's a parent to do during the cold months in Maine?

Winter in Maine can be, well, very wintery.

With the first snowstorm already in full swing, it’s clear that playing outside is rapidly losing its awesomeness, especially if you're trying to pull your kids away from there screens.

Read More: All The Crazy Pranks Lizzy & Her Son Have Pulled 

It could be a battle, but fear not, Maine has plenty of indoor spots that will keep those little energy balls entertained for more than 5 seconds.

From jump parks to bowling alleys, arcades, and planetariums, Maine has something for every type of indoor adventure for your family!

Read More: Sneak Peak of This Epic New Laser Attraction at Auburn Arcade 

So far this winter, my son and I have been hitting up the Rollodrome in Auburn, yes, it's on the list, about every other weekend. It’s been such a blast and thrill to watch him practice hard and get better every time we go! Plus, the music is always on point, only playing the hits.

Take a look at the list below of all the amazing Maine indoor spots that will keep your children active, engaged, and so happy all winter long!

Oh! If there are any indoor attractions we missed, let us know on our APP! 

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Family Indoor Attractions In Maine

We've put together a list of some of the best indoor family friendly attractions in the State of Maine. If we missed one, please let us know by sending us a message through our app.

Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse in Maine

How much fun would that be to pretend you are shipwrecked with your lover and have a romantic weekend role-playing like two castaways? I'm down with that. Well, you can do that right here in Maine!

Gallery Credit: Air BnB

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