Time To Apply For Holiday Assistance, All The Details From Capital Region Salvation Army
Yep, the gang at the Capital Region Salvation Army are planners. They NEED to be...they have much to organize things to help central Maine families for Thanksgiving and for Christmas. So if you believe your family will need assistance for Thanksgiving and/or Christmas the time to apply is here. The dates and times start October 15 thu Oct 24 with a variety to times and will happen at both the Augusta and Waterville locations. (check their FB post below for exacts) This is for families in Augusta, Waterville, Winslow, Sidney, Hallowell and Chelsea. You WILL need certain documents please check the post below. If you do not live in those areas and need assistance please check their post below. Hey, we are very lucky to have our very dedicated crew from the Capital Region Salvation Army in our community...thank you Capital Region Salvation Army.
Want to help out the Capital Region Salvation Army or your local food banks this holiday season...we have Camp Out Hunger happening soon...here are ALL the details on how you can help your community.