These Are the 20 Highest-Paying Jobs in New Hampshire
A website called GoBankingRates.com released an article called "The Salary You Need to Afford Rent in Every State". According to the article, a resident of the Granite State needs to make approximately $69,920 per year in order to afford a single-family residence. This is without having your monthly rent consume more than 30% of your total income.
This got me thinking about the highest-paying professions here in New Hampshire. We all know that anything in the medical field pays very well, but also requires a whole lot of schooling before you can actually start practicing and earning money! The same goes for dentistry. At this stage in my life, if I were going to make a career change, I would look for the highest-paying jobs that require the least amount of schooling. Because time is money, my friend! And also, who wants to spend their first decade on the job paying off mountains of student loans?
I decided to go directly to the source, The NH Bureau of Labor Statistics, to find out which jobs pay the best here in New Hampshire. I also consulted an article from Zippia to supplement my research.
These are the 20 Highest Paying Jobs in New Hampshire
Gallery Credit: Kira Lew
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Gallery Credit: Hannah Lang
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