My Son Got Me The Coolest Mini-Cornhole Set For Father’s Day!
If you know anything about me, you'll know that there are a few things that I really love. Chicken nuggets, my children & wife, and cornhole (not necessarily in that order).
My two younger boys, Dawson and Gavin, are still too little to go out and handpick something for me for Father's Day, but Evan who is now 12 loves to select gifts for people he loves (he just needs a ride to the store!).
So yesterday I received all kinds of things from the family. Some new sandals, a new hat and gym shorts and even a new Yeti tumbler! However, my absolute favorite gift of the day (aside from the handmade cards from all the kids) was my new desktop cornhole board set from Evan.
This thing is so freakin' sweet! Now I can literally play cornhole everywhere. Have a couple extra minutes during a commercial break? I can set it up on the counter and play in the studio. Waiting for a meeting to start? I can set it up in my office and play at my desk! That red light that seems to be dragging? Set it up on the dash and play in the car! Okay, maybe you shouldn't play in the car.
What's your favorite novelty or 'gag' gift you've ever received? Or, what's the best novelty or gag gift you've ever given? Let us know by messaging us through the free 92 Moose app!
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