Old Orchard Beach, Maine, Police Focusing On One Specific Crime This Summer
For most of Maine's seasonal communities, when the tourists begin to pour into town, the action is nonstop. It's seven days per week for every restaurant, hotel or motel, retail shop and of course, the police department as well. Each summer, police departments like to put a focus on one problem that they've received complains about the prior year. For Old Orchard Beach visitors, they're letting everyone know up front what they'll be cracking down on.
According to Saco Bay News, the Old Orchard Beach Police Department has received additional funding to enhance their efforts to combat underage drinking during the busy summer months in the town. Given how expansive the beachfront is on either side of the pier, it has been a tall task to combat it in years past and will still be a tall task this summer.
The Old Orchard Beach PD plans to employ several strategies throughout the summer. Beachgoers will likely notice more unformed officers patrolling the beach, specifically on days where the most visitors are expected. The Old Orchard Beach PD plan to deploy plain clothed officers as well, not just relegated to the beach but also other spots in the area.
The Old Orchard Beach Police Department maintains that the increased focus on underage drinking this summer isn't to arrest more individuals but instead to put a spotlight on the potential dangers that underage drinking can cause for individuals as well as the people around them.