
Jon James: SATURDAY NIGHT!  Party Like a Rock Star, Baby! (Subtitled: I’ve Seen Better Days)
Jon James: SATURDAY NIGHT! Party Like a Rock Star, Baby! (Subtitled: I’ve Seen Better Days)
Jon James: SATURDAY NIGHT! Party Like a Rock Star, Baby! (Subtitled: I’ve Seen Better Days)
I remember Saturday nights out, hangin' at the Drive In, hitting McDonald's for a couple of Big Macs afterwards then heading to Belgrade with my pal, Ricky, to hand out with our hot dates and kill a few "pounders." I thought about those nights this past Saturday as I listened to the droning of an air conditioner, twenty or more wires glued and taped to my head, chest and legs. On this wi
Inland Hospital Ready for Family Fun Day at Quarry Road Recreation Area, this Saturday [AUDIO]
Inland Hospital Ready for Family Fun Day at Quarry Road Recreation Area, this Saturday [AUDIO]
Inland Hospital Ready for Family Fun Day at Quarry Road Recreation Area, this Saturday [AUDIO]
Ellen Wells is a great lady. Always smiling. Always happy. Always a pleasure to see. The good news is, you can see her Saturday at the Quarry Road Recreation Area with Inland Hospital from 10-1. It's their third Family Fun Day and it promises to be a GREAT time for everyone in attendance! There are great activities, prizes and more!

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