It's not an easy task to decorate and renovate your very first home but it can be very rewarding after you install unique items. This is the incredible wallpaper I chose to feature in my new living room.
As woman, we have been programmed to believe that we are the weaker sex. We let our self-doubt control our physical strength and this story is how I overcame that, with a washing machine.
It's not easy picking something to put on your wall that is literally going to last for years. If I am going to be stuck looking at the same thing every single day, it's gonna be good. Help me choose my wallpaper for my living room, bay window wall!
Home improvements are tough but when you finally are at the end of your renovation journey and you install something personal, it makes all of the hard work worth it!
I just bought a new house, well not new, very old, but new to me, it is. Put it this way, I am having a mini melt-down trying to hurry up and learn about paint.