Thank You For The Birthday Wishes + Last Days of My Vacation
It's been a long 10 days recovering from surgery by just sitting around the house and watching TV. At least that's what I did for the most part over vacation especially at the start. Now it is time to go back to work.
Towards the end of my time off I was out running errands, driving and doing tasks that I normally do. Lifting anything over 10 pounds isn't something I can do right now, at least it's not advised but I have my appointment tomorrow with the Doctor to get the layout for the weeks ahead.
Over the past few days, I had a birthday, now 42. As I say, "I'm halfway to dead." See, I can be a cup-half-full kind of guy. I kid, sort of, I however do sincerely thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday on my Facebook page this past Saturday.
Every year on my birthday Lynn makes me and the family chicken patty sandwiches. Why, you ask? Well it goes back to 1999 and the days of just getting serious about our relationship, living together and living on very little money. Thinking back it was probably not as little as I make it sound, just the money wasn't spent well. At any rate, we used to shop at Caswell's in our grocery rounds when we had one in Lewiston and those chicken patty sandwiches were cheap in bulk. That's what we had, that's what she made. Ever since, that's what we make as a tradition.
Saturday started out with Justin's last basketball game at the Auburn-Lewiston YMCA for the year. Actually he played his last "Y" game ever as Justin aged out being in 6th grade. Next year, he'll play for Auburn Rec or Auburn Middle School if he makes the team after the tryouts.
After Justin's game we went and did a bit of grocery shopping. Lynn picked out a cake, lettuce and tomato for the chicken sandwiches, Dijon mustard and a 6 pack of domestic. Yes, I'll celebrate while in a bit of discomfort. For the record, the last pain med I had was Sunday, February 9th.
Got home around 1 or 2 pm, watched some Olympics and then had the chicken patty dinner and cake. After we ate we played Skip-bo as a family and I won. Lynn and I played a second game later, and that time I lost. Could have been the distraction of the NBA All Star Saturday Night or it could have been a couple of the beers I bought? Either way, it was a quiet fun birthday.
Yesterday was all about Vikki. Sunday started out with Vikki crying and sick with a temp of 104-105, Lynn gave her Children's Tylenol and it brought down the fever some but not where anyone felt comfortable. After some back and forth with an on-call nurse at Vikki's Doctor office, Lynn took Vikki to the ER to have her checked out. Diagnosed with Upper Respiratory Infection, or URI for short. The treatment is the same as a cold or flu, lots of liquids and and alternating fever reducers every few hours. Could be the clinical name for a chest cold, I'm not sure.
It's Monday and we're still there trying to keep her fever down, hopefully she'll feel better tonight. She's ailing, but okay.
Lastly and no less important, as I am back today I just want to thank, Matt James for filling in, Andy Capwell from next door and Mac Dickson and others for picking up office slack while I was out.
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