It's been a long 10 days recovering from surgery by just sitting around the house and watching TV. At least that's what I did for the most part over vacation especially at the start. Now it is time to go back to work.
If there is one thing I'm impatient about and quite honestly horrible at is cooking meals beyond Shake n' Bake, spaghetti and burgers on the grill. So for Day 8 in the line of November 'Thank Yous' I am thankful for a wife who likes to cook.
Better late than never I suppose. My November, ‘Thank You’ for day number seven is I am thankful for living in a fairly safe part of the country and for that matter the world. Little old Auburn, Maine may not be the most exciting or coolest place to be but I can pretty much go anywhere in town without looking over my shoulder for someone to mug me or worse.
Today is day 6 in my November 'Thank Yous.' There are still a number of days to be sincere, thoughtful and emotional but today, I am thanking coffee. That glorious hot beverage that starts my internal engine everyday. That special serum that makes me tick for without I'd be incoherent, irritable and possibly unresponsive.
Day 5: I'm thankful for a full time job with the best co-workers anyone could ask for. For example, today my wife was working and still is working at Auburn Hall as a warden for today's election. It wasn't a huge deal to bring my kids into work for a few hours.
Where it is now November and many are posting on a daily basis what they're thankful for I thought jump on board, albeit a little late but I suppose better late better late than never.