There Could Soon Be A Walking Trail From Augusta To The Coast
According to the KJ, the Merrymeeting Trail would connect Kennebec County's Kennebec River Rail Trail to Androscoggin Riverwalk.
The Kennebec River Rail Trail currently runs from Augusta to Gardiner, while the Androscoggin Riverwalk runs from Topsham to Brunswick. The Merrymeeting Trail would fill in the gap between Gardiner and Topsham.
Additionally, there are plans for the A2K trail, which would extend the system to Bath.
On Monday, the Hallowell City Council voted unanimously in support of the project. They join other municipalities supporting the project, like Richmond, Gardiner, and Bowdoinham.
The next hurdle to be overcome is funding for the project. It was estimated, in 2010, that it would cost approximately $8 million to build the trail on existing railroad tracks or over $50 million if it was built parallel to the tracks. A bill circulating the statehouse, LD 1141, is trying to overcome this. According to the sponsor of the bill, “Resolve, Directing the Department of Transportation To Construct the Merrymeeting Trail from Topsham to Gardiner”, its not to get the government to pay for the project, but to get them to look at it during their planning process.
If / when the trail is completed, will you take advantage of it?