Everything You Need to Know for Election Day
Tuesday, November 6 is 'Election Day.' Voting is one of the most important rights and responsibilities that we, as U.S. citizens have. About 90 million American citizens, who are qualified to vote, won't. They give up on a chance to choose leaders and representatives who will do things that are important to them. Respect your right to vote! It's a privilege.
Where do you vote? Find your polling location and times.
Voter Registration Information
Other helpful information:
Elections & Voting
League of Women Voters
Project Vote Smart
The following referenda questions will appear on the ballot, in this order:
Question 1: Citizen Initiative
Do you want to allow the State of Maine to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples?
An Act To Allow Marriage Licenses for Same-sex Couples and Protect Religious Freedom
Question 2: Bond Issue
Do you favor an $11,300,000 bond issue to provide funds for capital to build a diagnostic facility for the University of Maine System; for capital improvements and equipment, including machine tool technology, for the Maine Community College System; and for capital improvements and equipment at the Maine Maritime Academy?
Question 3: Bond Issue
Do you favor a $5,000,000 bond issue to purchase land and conservation easements statewide from willing sellers for public land and water access, conservation, wildlife or fish habitat and outdoor recreation, including hunting and fishing and deer wintering areas, and to preserve working farmland and working waterfronts to be matched by at least $5,000,000 in private and public contributions?
An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Support Maine's Natural Resource-based Economy
Question 4: Bond Issue
Do you favor a $51,500,000 bond issue for improvements to highways and bridges, local roads, airports and port facilities, as well as for funds for rail access, transit buses and the LifeFlight Foundation, which will make the State eligible for at least $105,600,000 in federal and other matching funds?
Question 5: Bond Issue
Do you favor a $7,925,000 bond issue to be expended over 2 years for revolving loan funds for drinking water systems and for wastewater treatment facilities, which will make the State eligible to secure $39,625,000 in federal grants?