DIY Remedies- Stains
Trying to get rid of those nasty stains in your clothes? I have the fixes for you.
For your every day stains:
Mix- Baking soda, Dawn dish soap, and Hydrogen Peroxide. Mix it together in a small bowl, get a toothbrush, scrub it on the stain.
For ink stains: (Carpet)
1. Mix milk and corn starch creating a paste
-Put the paste on the stain and let it sit for about an hour
-Brush off the residue or vacuum it.
2. W-D 40
-Spray onto the stain.
-let sit for 1 minute.
-Use soap and water to run it away.
For ink stains: (Clothes)
1. Hand Sanitizer
-Squirt the sanitizer onto the stain and let it sit for 10 minutes.
-Wash normally with hot water.
2. Milk and Vinegar.
-Mix whole milk and vinegar in a bowl.
-Soak the clothing in the bowl overnight.
-Wash normally the next day.
4. Miscellaneous
-Baby wipes with cotton balls
-Baby oil
Have fun cleaning.