Have You Ever Been Doing Something Without Realizing You’re Naked? I Did Today
If you know me at all, this headline probably doesn't surprise you all that much. How in the world did I end up doing something random and not knowing I was in the nude?
Well, it goes a little like this.
I had just come in from mowing the lawn, one of my favorite chores, and was getting ready to get in the shower and clean up. As I was getting (completely) undressed, I realized that I hadn't yet vacuumed one of the carpets in the house. Darn it, better go do that before I get in the shower. Fast forward a few minutes and I have since decided that I might as well vacuum the entire house. No big deal, only takes about 20 minutes or so.
Finally, all done vacuuming and I'm going to end it all by emptying the canister for the dyson. Outdoors I go to empty it, because it's was too dusty and dander(y) to do inside with my allergies. As I'm emptying the thing, I start to realize it's a bit blustery outside... Oh, that's just because I'm naked. WHAT!?
Has there ever been a time when either you didn't know you were naked, or you were just naked and shouldn't have been? Drop a line and let me know... tell me I'm not alone?