Young Mainer Breaks Guinness World Record With LEGOS
When I was younger my brother and I used to love playing with LEGOS. He loved them so much he shoved a yellow LEGO head up his nose and we had to go to the hospital to get it removed. The best part was when you looked up into his nose you saw a smiling face staring back at you.
I digress. Cooper Wright a young Mainer, also loves LEGOS, however, he is less likely to put one up his nose. He's so talented that he broke the Guinness Book of World Records with LEGOS, according to News Center Maine.
How did he break it? Well, Cooper, now 13 years old decided attempted to complete an 11,695 piece world map, as the article states.
This is big thanks to his parents who gave him a Star Wars "Death Star" LEGO set when he was younger and once he put it all together and created his masterpiece he never wanted to stop.
Cooper began his LEGO journey at 3 or 4 years old and has been building ever since, as the article says. In addition, his parents built an entire room in the basement to hold and show-off all of his masterpieces, small or large!
Cooper, now 13 years old attempted to complete a Guinness Book of World Records Challenge. He had to be able to complete this build in under 12 hours and he completed this in less than 10 hours!
I think that was probably harder than any other one I've done, It's not like this where they're like in all different ways and shapes, it's one board and you put them in like pegs. So, it's different.
My strategy was just build it as fast as I could. It was fun but it was very long and tedious to do.