Native Mainer Uses Colorful Language to Tell Out-Of-Stater To Leave
A few days ago a user on Reddit posted a photo. This photo was a screen shot of his Waze app. Waze is a GPS application, similar to Google Maps. I am a user of Waze so I am familiar with how it works. This app let's you chat with other drivers.
The reason behind it, is so that you can update other travelers on similar routes about traffic jams, construction, and police. It's very helpful when you know there's a traffic jam ahead of time so you can re-route yourself.
What also comes with this app is the ability to make posts and you have a screen name as well. One Reddit user posted a screen shot of this app. Photo below.
People are finding very creative ways to tell others stay away from Maine.
As you can see, a Mainer posted and wants the out-of-towner to continue to stay out-of-town. This post caused an abundance of controversial, heated, and funny comments. I mean, tell us what you really think guys!
It was hard for me to find comments to share in this article because they were all very, "colorful" in language, but here's a few in response to the post.
A lot of Mainers aren’t a fan of tourists. I’m not too sour on them though. Most just come and spend money for local tourist businesses and help the Maine economy. I’m more concerned about the wealthy out of staters who have spent a long time gentrifying southern and Coastal Maine to the point that working class families struggle to have a decent quality of life because the cost of housing has skyrocketed partially due to this new target demographic for renters/owners. The trend is moving inland as well and even towns like Lewiston/Auburn (recently viewed as very working class communities) are starting to see gentrification.
Kind of sad and pathetic in my opinion. In this same thread we have people complaining about not being able to find work and other people who want out of staters to leave even though 17% of the jobs in Maine are tourism related.
Realistically, this won't scare away anyone. Every single state that deals with tourists hates tourists; this sentiment
isn't unique to Maine.
After reading through the comments, the consensus that I came up with is that the posting on GPS apps to attempt to scare people off, is not going to do that. I bet it will make people want to come even more, honestly.
The discussion was heavy on tourism and what people think about the state of Maine. If you're interested in having a good laugh, here's the link to the Reddit site.
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