Mainers Aged 16 & Older Eligible For Vaccine Starting Wednesday
Governor Janet Mills made an appearance at today's Maine CDC press briefing to announce a change in the eligibility for Mainers to get the vaccine.
According to the KJ, she announced that, starting Wednesday (April 7th), all Maine residents who are 16 and older can get the vaccine.
Currently, only the Pfizer vaccine is approved for use on people aged 16 and 17. As a result, it may take a little longer for people of that age to get an appointment.
Currently, Maine has about 200 vaccination sites. So far, 435,700 Maine residents have received at least their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine. To put that another way, nearly 1/3 of the state's 1.3 million population. Also, over 20% of the state's population has received their final dose of the vaccine.
Governor Mills also cautioned Mainers that the pandemic is not over. Despite the fact that significant portion of the state has been vaccinated, we need to be aware of the dangers of the variants. She urged people to continue to take precautions.
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