For 31 long days, young six-month-old Charlie, a Sheltie pup, was missing.

But against it all, this tail has a happy ending. Grab your tissues folks, because this one is a heavy hitter. Now, we all love our furbabies and would do just about anything for them. We already do.

My 8-month-old Australian Shepherd, Moondog, even has his own thunder vest to help him stay calm when he’s feeling a little anxious. If I had told my grandfather 30 years ago that my dog had a special vest to ease his nerves, he would have laughed at me and shook his head.
But alas, here we are, this is how much we’ve evolved in loving and caring for our pets.
They’re not just animals; they’re family. Sometimes, they’re even treated better than family, am I right?

How did Charlie become lost?

According to WABI, this story began on December 14th when Evy Smaha of Old Town's son, Jake Thompson was getting ready to walk Charlie outside their Milford home.

Charlie began spooked and took off. The entire family sprang into again searching endlessly, but as the days got longer and turned into weeks, with no sightings, hope started to flicker.

“When we were like, in the third week and it was three weeks and two days, it was getting kinda hard.”  Smaha recalled.

Still, they did not want to give up. The family worked with local animal control, left out food and clothing that Charlie had smelled before as well as plastered flyers all over town. Their determination was witnessed by the community and they responded by helping this family.

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How were they able to find Charlie?

Finally, after hours and days of hoping, a breakthrough came last week. Charlie had been spotted, and the Smaha family gives credit to on particular family from Bradley saying,

“It was one particular family, really, that is the reason why Charlie is alive. Because a couple more days,” she trailed off. “His little bones were very thin.”

As per the post, the Nadeau family were said to have given up a week of their lives to help in the search of Charlie.

They tracked his tiny paw prints in the snow, and wondrously found him hiding under a car. He ran off again but was finally discovered under a neighbor’s car, a dirty little ball of fur.

And he was back.

Below is the full story from WABI via YouTube.


“Charlie’s alive and we have smiles on our faces. And he has a future because of everybody in this neighborhood, especially the Nadeau family, especially especially. We’re very grateful,” said Smaha.

After lots of cuddles, thank-yous, and smiles, this story has a very happy ending for both family and pup.

Have you ever lost something or someone and they came back to you in a miraculous way? Let us know! 

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