My Baby Crapped On My Dog
If you were listening to the Moose Morning Show today you heard me tell the poopy tale of our new son Gavin pooping on our Great Dane's head. No really, it actually happened. I was changing his diaper at approx 12:51 am on the edge of our bed (Rambo sleeps on the floor at the foot of our bed). As I reached over to grab a wipe out of the warmer I heard Gavin's infamous little 'imma bout to poop' grunt. Sure enough, projectile pooping breast milk fecal debris up into the air, inevitably landing on the dog. Rambo is a great sport and loves kids.. so he dealt with it. Needless to say it was a long day of washing the baby, the dog, the dog bed, our comforter the... well, you get the idea. Follow me on insta @Mattjames923