Yesterday on the Moose Morning Show, we talked about how 'Fanny Packs' were making a comeback. It got us thinking about some other fashion accessories or things we used to wear, that we wouldn't be caught dead putting on now.
Here's a show everybody's going to have a blast at. Get ready to sing along and have fun at 'Back To The 80's - The Totally Awesome Musical.' It's Gardiner Area High School Visual and Performing Arts Department’s annual Broadway musical production.
Today, January 2nd with 'National Personal Trainer Day' is 'National Buffet Day' which is as ironic as it is hilarious to me, however, along those two it is also 'National Science Fiction (Sci-fi) Day' today. I'm not so much a sci-fi person now but as a young boy, I loved science fiction. Listed below are some of my favorite sci-fi movies and TV shows from my youth.
As it is Friday and we're going into the last shopping weekend before Christmas, I thought I'd lift your spirits a bit by presenting the #1 songs on this day (December 19, 2014) from 30, 25, 20, 15, 10 and 5 years ago according to Billboard.
As Christmas inches closer, alright more like as the holiday is flying towards us at light speed, I thought I bring up a few of my favorite and most memorable presents I got from Santa as a kid.
This being a rainy night and a ‘Throwback Thursday’ it might not be a bad night to hit the Redbox, Netflix or video store. It's a good night for a movie, so, what are your favorite classics? I use the term “classic” loosely, as my definition may not be the same as yours. Listed below are my all time top 10 movies.
One question I get a lot working in radio is, what is your favorite song? My response is always "do you mean currently or of all time." If the question is my all time favorite, that is easy, "November Rain" by Guns N' Roses.
Being that it is a ‘Throwback Thursday’ and retro music is a major part of all things nostalgic, I invite you to take this quiz of 80s music and see how you do.