This prank absolutely brought tears to my eyes. The reactions are, as you would expect, substantial and priceless. If you don't at least get a chuckle out of this then either, 1- you've seen it before or 2- you have a broken "ha-ha" and should get it checked!
An idea + a cell phone + the ability to keep a straight face = April Fools! I am not much of one for pranks, but I will give credit when one is pulled off to perfection. This is an April Fools Day trick that was well done and will be one that this college class and teacher will remember forever!!!
Pulling pranks on the homeless is not normally something I would endorse, but this video is more of a surprise than a prank! Comedian and professional prankster Greg Benson wanted to pull a prank on some homeless. And it went oh so right. Prank it forward! Greg teamed up with chef Jesse Brune, together they turned a shelter into a five-star restaurant. Benson was the maître d, seating guests indiv
In a recent episode of the Oprah of the 2000's (aka 'Ellen'), the daytime talk show host sent one of her writers to Lowe's in order to stir up some serious confusion in a few unsuspecting people. How so? By speaking to strangers only with the lyrics of Taylor Swift's hit 'We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together.'
Generally speaking, we would say please PLEASE leave commuters alone. They're already suffering the indignity of being elbowed by teenagers in the throes of sweaty, bubblegum and Axe-scented passion. After a day of soul-crushing work most people just want to be left alone. But this prank on the 4 train might actually have made some people's days a little better.