I had been doing so well. I was beginning to think I was going to make it through the entire cold/flu/sick season without getting ill once. Oopsie Daisies.
Sometimes you just need to know when to fold em'. Unless it's because my children are sick and need me, I don't like to take time away when I'm sick. Yes, I know that's not super-fair to my coworkers that have to share the same air as me, but I look at it as I can either be sick at home or at work- what's the difference?
if you're sick STAY HOME. This stuff can spread like wildfire. I know, I'm writing this from my office at the station right now, which is the opposite of the advice I just gave
45 Pounds of toothy cuteness! Yup, it's an enormous beaver and, according to experts in beaver health, he didn't look too good. He was captured and will be nursed back to health before being released. While they have him in captivity, I think a little teeth whitening might be in order. Just sayin'.
This is first time this has ever happened to me while at home without the wife. At about 9:15 this morning the phone rings, I see it says, "City of Auburn" on the caller ID and I pick up thinking one of my boys forgot something at school but no it was the Auburn Middle School nurse telling me that Justin has a fever with a headache and sore throat.
Today is one of those days you ask yourself, do I call in sick or not? For me, the answer is almost always no and even if I am "too sick to work," I try to get what I need done, done.