Can You Get a Ticket for Tailgating in Maine if the Driver Keeps Slowing Down?
It’s frustrating, isn’t it? Looking in your rearview mirror only to see someone driving way too close behind you? Tailgating is one of those road habits that can test your patience as a driver.
Sometimes, it's temping to lift that one finger your suppose to keep down. It's so irritating!
For me, it’s not speeding or weaving through traffic that gets to me, it’s tailgating. It’s such a common annoyance in Maine that some drivers have started to slap bumper stickers on their cars with messages like, “Get Off My Butt!”
What is tailgating?
Tailgating is following another car too closely, and it is illegal in Maine, according to the Maine Legislature.
But what if the driver ahead of you keeps slowing down or driving unpredictably? Well, unfortunately, even then, it’s still illegal because the law says you must keep a safe following distance at all times.
Why is it illegal?
The reason? Safety.
Tailgating can lead to rear-end crashes, especially if the driver in front stops suddenly.
Maine law says that drivers must adjust their speed and distance based on road conditions, traffic flow, and the behavior of others on the road, even when it's frustrating.
If you're caught tailgating, you could face a ticket and a fine.
According to one Reddit user, they were ticketed for tailgating, but only because the car in front of them was slowing their speed so erratically, it was hard for them not to be too close. The ticket was $137.
"The officer was coming around a bend in the opposite end of traffic, and saw me close behind some guy in his pickup. He swings around very quickly and pulls me over. What the officer didn't witness was the truck in front of me was driving erratically, and had suddenly slowed down. I didn't have enough time to slow down yet at that moment to attain a safe following distance. I was not directly on the car, but certainly close."
These situations happen to a lot of us. So what should you do?
The best course of action if the driver ahead is slowing down a lot is to stay cool, increase your distance, and, when it's safe, change lanes or pass. Get away from that driver and if they seem dangerous, report them.
Remember in Maine, it’s better to play it safe and keep your distance!
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Gallery Credit: Lizzy Snyder