Waterville Gets Ready For Two-Way Traffic on Main and Front Streets
It had been talked about for years, finally approved and now it is underway. The downtown Waterville area of Front and Main Street are getting a facelift and change in direction. A literal change in direction. The two streets have been one-way traffic for as long as I can remember and starting this week the work begins to make both streets two-way, make some improvement, and when it's all done make it all look great. The two-way change is expected to happen early next year.
As with any improvement project, it will take a little time and make a bit of a mess but in the end, it will look great. So much has been going on in downtown Waterville and it looks wonderful. Head of Falls is a treat, there is a new hotel downtown, and all the charm that is downtown Waterville.
Traffic flow will remain as-is, the one-way flow, on both streets for now so like any construction site just pay attention when you are in that area and slow down. The switch to the two-way traffic flow is expected next spring according to centralmaine.com.
The company doing all this work, Crooker Construction, is still looking for employees that have to with ‘heavy earth work’, the story at centralmaine.com said they need laborers, truck drivers, equipment operators. They have an office in Waterville for this project. It is at 10 Common Street and are having a job fair on Saturday from 7 am to noon.
You can keep up to date with the situation on the Waterville, Maine website. Here is the link.