Why Are People Offended at “Happy Holidays” and “Merry Christmas?”
Why do people get offended when someone wishes them a “Merry Christmas” or in reverse, why do people get irritated when someone says, “Happy Holidays?”
The sentiment is the same. Someone wishes another a good time over the season.
I am Christian, a light one, and when I go to church it’s Catholic and usually it’s only Christmas Mass. (Don't judge :)) I might be a little surprised if the priest wished all a “Happy Holidays” or uttered “Seasons Greetings,” but other than that, I don’t see an issue saying either or both.
To my family and close friends I’ll say, "Merry Christmas" but to the public at large it’s generally “Happy Holidays.”
Nobody is taking Christmas away. In fact I bet there are many non believers who put up a tree and celebrate Christmas on December 25th like those who are devout and follow the Bible’s every word.
My point is, this is supposed to be a time of joy and suppressed rhetoric.
Let’s just enjoy the weeks ahead no matter faith or beliefs.
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