Don’t Forget to Change Your Clocks Back This Weekend!
Are you ready to kick that seasonal depression off right? Well if you are, get ready for significantly shorter days, longer nights and colder weather! Okay, I'm being a little sarcastic here, obviously. But for real, don't forget to change your clocks back this weekend.
I always get confused on whether we're actually entering or exiting daylight saving time is. As a matter of fact I had to look this up this morning because I was convinced I had it backwards. As it would turn out, I did- no surprise there. Daylight saving time ran from March 8th to November 1st this year. This means that you'll need to change your clocks back one hour prior to going to bed on Halloween night. Though most of our clock on our devices will do this automatically at 2 AM Sunday morning.
When I was a kid, I always remember my mother laughing at her mom (my Memere) because she would set her alarm for 2 AM and get up in the middle of the night to change her clocks on time change day. I always thought that was a really funny story. It didn't matter whether it was the fall back or the spring ahead. She would always set that alarm for 2 AM and go walking around her house in the wee hours of the night to adjust all of her clocks.
I have no idea why 2 AM is THE point that we're supposed to make the change. It never really made much sense to me. The best I can figure it is because they don't want the time change to come in the middle of the day when everyone is awake and throw off time for the entire day. Especially because if we did it at noontime there would be millions of people who forgot about it and it would frig up everyone else's day. Sorry for saying frig.
I guess this means that it's going to be getting dark super-early at Camp Out Hunger next week at Sam's Club in Augusta. That's okay though, we'll be 'under the lights' so to speak, so you can still come by and see us no matter how late it gets!
Dave Dostie Photography: Fast Eddie's Express Haunted Car Wash