‘Here Comes Peter Geigertail!’ Oops…That’s an Easter Song….How ‘Bout ‘Peter Geigerstein?’
Peter Geiger is a good man! He's the editor of the Farmers' Almanac, a Philomath (lover of learning) and a very intelligent and kind individual. Oh, and in case you didn't know, he also LOVES Halloween!
For at least sixteen or seveneen straight years, he's joined the Moose Morning Show on Halloween day or, if it's on a weekend, the weekday leading up to it which is closest. Part of the fun is discussing what's in the Almanac. Every year, it's full of things like clever sayings, home remedies, gardening tips, riddles, puzzles and, of course, the coming winter's weather outlook, which has, historically, been pretty accurate. When it's off, Peter readily admits it, saying something like, "we missed that storm!" Who does the actual predictions? Caleb Weatherbee. Who is he and what are his credentials? Your guess is as good as mine. I've known Pete for many years and I can't get more information out of him!
Another fun part of this yearly show is the interaction with lots of questions (from the Almanac) and lots of prizes, including Farmers' Almanacs, weather sticks, soap and a variety of things Peter has put together for this show. And if we might brag a bit, in spite of the fact that Peter is on radio and tv stations across the country including CNN, the Today Show and Good Morning America, this Moose Morning Show on Halloween is the one he most looks forward to!
Now, here's the bonus for kids, young and old, who trick or treat. Every year on the show, Pete gives out a secret pass code. If you hear it, write it down and be ready to recite it, verbatim, when you go to his Lewiston home at 15 Brentwood Avenue. Not only will you get multiple BIG candy bars but you'll put a smile on Peter's face. You'll also want to take a walk through his "spooky" house for some added fun. No charge, of course. It's all for fun and a good time. It's one of the things that brings joy to his heart. The whole thing started on our show, as Peter recalled in a Sun Journal article a couple of years back.
I love visiting with Peter Geiger and you will too. So, pick up your copy of the Almanac (green and orange cover) and get ready to listen and win tomorrow morning!! It's sure to be SPOOOOOOOOO-KEEEEEEEEEEY!