In Peru, Maine, a neighborhood deer was in need of some rescuing according to WGME. Let's call the doe Sandra, "Sandra Bullock."

Well. Sandra Bullock had a wire wrapped around her belly according to an article put out by WGME. She was in a very bad situation because the wiring was damaging her body.

Sandra regularly took walks around this one neighborhood and the residents were concerned about the wire according to the article, so, residents and biologists worked together to help the Sandra Bullock deer.

No one wanted the wire to continue to tighten around her belly so they all took action, as the article states.

Because this is a wild animal, they need to be careful while trying to save her. According to the article,

"Several residents in the neighborhood had been keeping an eye on her, which helped the biologists narrow down her location each afternoon. Knowing where and when the doe would show up allowed biologists to station themselves in the basement of a homeowner and wait for the doe to walk by."

The regional wildlife biologist had to use a dart projector to put the deer down for a nice little nap while they work diligently to remove the wire, as the article states.

As the doe was asleep due to the sleeping dart, they were able to remove the wire successfully, according to the article. 

"..they quickly snipped the piece of old fencing wire from her, looked for additional injuries and gave her a reversal drug to bring her out of sedation. Within a couple of minutes, she popped up and trotted off to rejoin her herd."


This is a prime example of residents and officials working together to help an injured wildlife animal. If that doe, Sandra, never had that wire removed, who knows how bac the damage would've become. Sandra Bullock is now free and continuing to enjoy her neighborhood walks as a healthy young deer.

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