Maine Game Wardens Save Caribou Hiker after a 40 Foot Drop
A Caribou woman suffered multiple injuries after falling 40 feet in Aroostook State Park.
The Maine Warden Service says 37-year-old Zara Gillis was hiking with her sister and two children Friday afternoon. As the group walked the trail to the south peak in Aroostook State Park, Gillis slipped on a snowy area 1/2 mile in on the trail and slid forty feet down. Officials say she suffered a possible broken hip, some facial lacerations, and was unable to walk out on her own. According to wardens, conditions on the trail were slippery due to the falling snow and leaf cover on the trail.
First on the scene was Game Warden Alan Dudley, who requested a helicopter at approximately 3:00. However, due to the snow and winds, neither the Maine Forest Service nor the National Guard could safely respond.
It was decided that she would have to be carried out. A team of seven game wardens and rescue personnel from the Presque Isle Police Department, Presque Isle Fire Department, Presque Isle Ambulance, and volunteers assembled to carry her out a half mile to safety. Gillis was secured in a litter and ropes were used to assist in the procedure that took about an hour and a half. Once off the trail, Gillis was transported to AR Gould Hospital in Presque Isle.
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