Augusta Police

It Turns Out I've Been Committing a Jailable Offense For a While
It Turns Out I've Been Committing a Jailable Offense For a While
It Turns Out I've Been Committing a Jailable Offense For a While
I've never really considered myself much of a 'bad boy', but that all changed this morning for me. It turns out I'm a bit of a rebel, a culprit, a fugitive, an offender.. a hooligan if you will. You see, when it comes to things that I want to do with my day, driving over to the Maine Department of Motor Vehicles and taking a number to wait to renew my driver's license isn't high on the list... Rea
Traffic Jams & Turkeys: Thousands Show up For Meals in Augusta
Traffic Jams & Turkeys: Thousands Show up For Meals in Augusta
Traffic Jams & Turkeys: Thousands Show up For Meals in Augusta
If you noticed some insane gridlock traffic in Augusta yesterday, you certainly weren't alone. Traffic was at a standstill down Mt Vernon Ave, Townsend Ave, Civic Center Drive, Anthony Ave and even the interstate off ramps at exit 112. But, it wasn't because of a traffic accident or anything like that- no, it was all for a wonderful cause...

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